Sunday, February 22, 2009


Ever since I was little there have been many things I have been afraid of. Two of the largest fears, thunder and darkness, I have gotten over. However there is one fear that has stayed with me over the years even if it has decreased slightly as time moved on, Spiders. One specific incident where this fear erupted was when I was in Florida. I woke up screaming in pain in the middle of the night because I was bitten in my sleep by a spider. Spiders are still my worst fear but I am not as afraid of them anymore. This fear relates to the beastie because for some of the characters the fear is so great that they just freeze up. It gives them nightmares. Also, it is illogical. Spiders are smaller than you so you should be able to squish them and beasties don't exist.


  1. don't worry, you're not alone on this fear. I have arachnophobia too! :)

  2. Fear of spiders seems to be common, for whatever reason. I'm not afraid of your classic "Daddylonglegs" spider, but if it's growing fur, that's another story... Thanks for sharing this!
